Toddlers can be quite a handful, at times! Wondering what may be the best way to start introducing colours to your toddler? We have a host of ideas that might help you do just the same.
1. Plate up a colourful meal

Involve your little one in cooking with you. While you do that, ensure that you place some pieces of cut, raw, different-coloured vegetables in front of them. Allow them to play with them or eat them. Let them learn the feel and texture of the vegetables as well. While they are engaged in eating, tell them the colour of the vegetables. Make this a regular activity and as the time passes by, quiz them about the colours of each of the vegetables.
However, be sure not to scold the child for not guessing correctly. Kids learn faster when there is an award involved. So you can motivate them to get their favourite pieces from the meal, or a sweet treat at the end, if they guess right. Make note that this should be a fun activity between the two of you, never a thing that ‘just has to be done with!’
2. Sing and rhyme
Studies have shown that music plays an integral role in the cognitive development of children. Get them a few DVDs that contain audio-visual songs that help your child associate with colours and music, and form a connection so that they find it easier to remember colours in the future.
3. Comparison of identical objects

Kids learn new words every day. But if you try to teach them colours using two different objects, they might get confused. It is generally easier for kids to differentiate between a red sock and a green sock rather than the comparison between a red sock and a green sweater. So, when comparing, be sure to take examples of identical objects like red, green, and yellow socks.
4. Play games and puzzles

Some more of the things that toddlers enjoy are toys and puzzles. Buy them some brightly-coloured and attention-grabbing games, memory games, alphabet blocks, and puzzle sets.
5. Colouring books
You can either make colouring books on your own or buy them. In any case, colouring books are a fantastic way to let your kids indulge in playing with colours and tap into a world of imagination and observation.
You can even ask your toddler to pick the objects they see in these books and draw them by themselves. Help them make this their very own ‘self-made’ colouring book. They will love it!
6. Dabbling in hand painting

As toddlers learn by touching objects while identifying the textures and shapes, engage your toddler in finger or hand painting to enhance their creativity and sensory skills. This will definitely grab their attention to the colours being used, especially due to the level of involvement. Be sure to educate them about the colours they are using and correct them if they are remembering them wrong.
7. Colour with crayons

Let your child pick the colours of their choice and help use them for the objects that match. We have a range of products specifically made for the tender hands of toddlers. Camel Wax Crayons are non-toxic and CE certified which conform to child safety standards.
8. Favourite shirts or dresses
If your child has an inclination towards a particular colour combination, be sure to encourage them to wear it, as this will help them identify colours better. Go ahead and take full advantage of their tendency to lean towards a set of colours more; use it in your lessons on colours.
9. Connect with the nature-lover in you

Take your kids to rendezvous with nature more often. Whenever you go outdoors, instil in your child the habit of observing the colours. Play a fun little game with them to identify all the colours correctly. The one who wins gets a gift!
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