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4 creative home DIYs for Environment Day

4 June, 2016
4 creative home DIYs for Environment Day
World Environment Day, celebrated annually on June 5th, is a great opportunity for all of us to do something positive to protect nature. We’ve outlined a few simple but fun DIYs for you to try out.

1. Plastic Bottle Planters

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Planting saplings is easy but we’ve got a little twist here to help you make use of those pesky plastic bottles you would have laying around the house. Here’s what you need to do:
You can use as many of these planters as you like and even create a series of these to hang on a wall outside your home or on your balcony.

2. Colourful Terracotta Flower Pots

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Why not get creative with your flower pots and add some colour to your little garden? Using Camel Artist Acrylic Colours, you can create some interesting designs on your flowerpots. We recommend using the terracotta variety as opposed to plastic since they’re so much more environmentally-friendly. Here’s how you get started:
It’s that easy and could just inspire you to add a little more greenery around your home which is always a good idea.

3. Wallpapered Cabinets and Cupboards

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After wallpapering your home, there’s often a lot of residue material left over. Rather than simply throwing it all away, you could opt to artistically brighten up your home with a little extra colour. Rather than simply sticking the wallpaper over the entire unit and depending on how much is left over, you could cut strips or cover only the actual drawers or doors of the unit.
You could also decorate the inside of the cabinets with leftover wallpaper to add a little pizzazz to displays. This way you’ll quite easily make use of excess materials without adding to our waste problem and end up with fashionable home decor to boot!

4. Cool Pencil Colour Ornaments

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What do you do with the tail end of your used Camlin Colour Pencils? Don’t just discard them because you can’t quite sharpen them anymore. Here’s a simple way to convert them into funky, colourful wearable accessories:
Voila, a very stylish and colourful bracelet or necklace is born! Hexagonal colour pencils work best for this.
All of these items can easily be made or created with stuff that’s laying around the house or with things you might throw away. So, this Environment Day, get funky and help save our planet in a creative way!

Did you try out any of these DIY ideas on Environment Day?

Share your experience with us in the comments below.

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